online marketing Free Computer Science, Engineering, Medical Ebooks: Learning Java with Jbuilder version 4...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Learning Java with Jbuilder version 4...

Publisher: Borland-Inprise Corporation
Language: English
ISBN: 0001020304-9
Paperback: 312 pages
Format: PDF
Description: This revision of a best seller covers Java 2-the newest version of the Java programming language- principles of programming, and core Java features. The book includes all the subjects required in the Level 1 Java Certification Exam. The book is aided by Borland®'s JBuilder…Ĺ“—which can help readers not only develop Java programs more productively, but also learn Java programming more effectively. JBuilder…Ĺ“ 4 is introduced throughout the book, making learning of JBuilder…Ĺ“ easy, because the new features of JBuilder…Ĺ“ are covered in relation to the topics in each chapter. A CD-ROM with each copy of the book includes source code and JBuilder…Ĺ“ 4 Foundation Software. A step-by-step approach first lays a sound foundation on programming elements, control statements, and methods; then introduces object-oriented programming; moves on to graphics programming; and concludes with advanced features that enable readers to develop comprehensive programs. Expansion of Part II provides a more in-depth introduction to object-oriented programming and design. Topics such as arrays, inheritance, Swing graphics programming, exception handling, internationalization, multithreading, multimedia, I/O, and Java data are featured. For reference use by those in computer science, engineering and business careers who want to learn Java programming with JBuilder…
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