online marketing Free Computer Science, Engineering, Medical Ebooks: Visual Studio Hacks Tips & Tools For Turbocharging The Ide - Oreilly

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Visual Studio Hacks Tips & Tools For Turbocharging The Ide - Oreilly

visual-studio-hacks-tips-038-tools-for-turbochargi Name : Visual Studio Hacks Tips & Tools For Turbocharging The Ide - Oreilly

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Offering valuable tips, tools, and tricks, Visual Studio Hacks takes you far beyond the suite’s usual capabilities. You can read this book from cover to cover or, because each hack stands its own, you can feel free to browse and jump to the different sections that interest you most. If there’s a prerequisite you need to know about, a cross-reference will guide you to the right hack. If you want to experience the full spectrum of Visual Studio’s functionality and flexibility, you’ll find the perfect guide for exploration in Visual Studio Hacks. Once the final page is turned, you can confidently say that you’ve been exposed to everything that Visual Studio .NET is capable of doing.

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