online marketing Free Computer Science, Engineering, Medical Ebooks: Wi-Fi Handbook : Building 802.11b Wireless Networks

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wi-Fi Handbook : Building 802.11b Wireless Networks

Wi-Fi Handbook : Building 802.11b Wireless Networks

Wi-Fi Handbook : Building 802.11b Wireless Networks
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071412514 | edition 2003 | CHM | 363 pages | 10 mb

Independent of 2.5G, 3G, or any other G, WiFi gives organizations a chance to selectively deploy the converged services not yet available from their carriers. This book, written for network engineers by highly experienced wireless and Ethernet experts, is one of the very first to provide the know-how for enterprise implementations. It drills down to the nuts and bolts of designing and building WiFi networks of scale. It covers all wireless environments that can be built with today's technology. It includes in-depth explanations of regulatory, security, and economic issues, and extended case studies to illustrate implementation advice.


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