The Intel Family of Microprocessors: Hardware and Software Principles and Applications
James L. Antonakos, "The Intel Family of Microprocessors: Hardware and Software Principles and Applications"
Delmar Cengage Learning | 2006 | ISBN: 1418038458 | 640 pages | PDF | 91,3 MB
Delmar Cengage Learning | 2006 | ISBN: 1418038458 | 640 pages | PDF | 91,3 MB
Readers will be able to build and program their own 8088 single-board computer by applying the interfacing concepts and techniques presented in this book. Coverage begins with the software architecture of the 80x86 family, including the software model, instruction set and flags, and addressing modes. Abundant examples illustrate basic programming concepts such as the use of data structures, numeric conversion, string handling, and arithmetic. Hardware details of the entire 80x86 family are then examined, from pin and signal descriptions to memory and input/output system design. Advanced topics, including protected mode, WIN32 and Linux programming, and MMX technology are also introduced.
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