Introduction to Architectural Science, Second Edition: The Basis of Sustainable Design
Steven V Szokolay dip. arch. m.arch. PhD, "Introduction to Architectural Science, Second Edition: The Basis of Sustainable Design"
Architectural Press; 2 edition (August 29, 2008) | English | 0750687045 | 358 pages | PDF | 3.09 MB
Architectural Press; 2 edition (August 29, 2008) | English | 0750687045 | 358 pages | PDF | 3.09 MB
Introducing the basics of architectural science, this book is an ideal reference, providing an understanding of the physical basis of architectural design. The knowledge gained from this book equips the reader with the tools to realize the full potential of the good intentions of sustainable, bioclimatic design.
All sections have been revised and updated for this second edition including more information on small scale energy generation methods and techniques. The book has also been reformatted to be even more accessible, with a larger page size and colour printing.
* Fully updated popular reference on the essentials of Architectural Science
* Reformatted and reorganised for greater ease of use
* Covers principles of heat, light, sound and energy control in just one volume
Dr Steven Szokolay runs his own practice as an energy and environmental consultant, and is also both honarary associate professor at the University of Queensland, and a supervisor of postgraduate research students. He has experience in architectural practice in Sydney, Australia, and has taught extensively, including positions at the University of Queensland (Australia), the University of East Africa (Nairobi) and in London (UK).
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