online marketing Free Computer Science, Engineering, Medical Ebooks: The Pediatric Spine: Principles and Practice by Stuart L Weinstein

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Pediatric Spine: Principles and Practice by Stuart L Weinstein

The Pediatric Spine: Principles and Practice by Stuart L Weinstein

The Pediatric Spine: Principles and Practice by Stuart L Weinstein
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Second Edition (January 15, 2001) | ISBN: 0781719089 | Pages: 1086 | CHM | 190 MB

Written by an international, multidisciplinary group of experts, this volume is a definitive reference on all nonoperative aspects of the pediatric spine. Coverage begins with developmental anatomy, biomechanics, an in-depth review of imaging, and a detailed guide to patient evaluation. Subsequent sections cover all disorders affecting the pediatric spine--congenital and developmental abnormalities, traumatic injuries, inflammatory and infectious conditions, neoplasms and malformations, metabolic disease, and neuromuscular diseases. The contributors offer authoritative advice on the medical and/or surgical treatment options for each condition. Each chapter includes a comprehensive bibliography. Also included is a detailed appendix of radiographic measurements, classifications, and definitions. A Brandon-Hill recommended title.

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