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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Biomaterials in Hand Surgery

Biomaterials in Hand Surgery
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Biomaterials in Hand Surgery
Publisher:Springer | Pages:144 | 2009-09-16 | ISBN:8847011949 | PDF | 10 MB

This concise but comprehensive book is the first publication devoted to the applications of biomaterials in hand surgery. It presents basic knowledge in the field of biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, implant design, and hand joint prostheses, and explores in depth the key topic of metacarpophalangeal joint prostheses in rheumatoid patients. Furthermore, the volume reviews the research trends for flexor tendon repair and presents new challenging ideas for regeneration of peripheral nerves by artificial nerve guides. The main purpose of this work is to provide information in a single dedicated book that will thus represent a quick and updated reference for orthopedic surgeons, hand and plastic surgeons, rheumatologists, and materials scientists, as well as mechanical engineers and residents in these fields.


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